[Tellus Ver.2.0 Released] The Redesigned Website, Improvement of the UI of the OS, Newly Opened Market
Tellus Ver.2.0 was released on Thursday, February 27, 2020. This article introduces the updates of Tellus Ver.2.0.
The release of Tellus Ver.2.0 was officially announced on Thursday, February 27, 2020.
As a major update from Tellus Ver.1.2 to Ver.2.0, what features were newly added in this update?
This article summarizes the updates in detail. Take this opportunity to try using Tellus Ver.2.0.
Reviewing the free-to-use satellite data platform, Tellus
As those of you who frequently visit Sorabatake may already know, we once again would like to introduce Tellus.
Tellus is a free-to-use platform that provides satellite data providing platform provided by the Japanese government with the goal of becoming the foundation for a new business marketplace.
It provides various functions to facilitate the creation of new businesses by combining multiple kinds of data. Various ways to use Tellus have also been introduced on Sorabatake.
[How to Use Tellus from Scratch] What you can do with the Satellite Data Platform and its Basic Operations.
API Available in the Developing Environment of Tellus
About a year has passed since the release of the service on February 21, 2019. Tellus has implemented various measures and updates for the customers. Please take a look at the summary of the measures and updates implemented by Tellus thus far in the article below.
Redesigned UI/UX based on user feedback. What are the changes?
The website and Tellus OS were redesigned in the Ver.2.0. The changes are as follows:

The website aims to be a portal for all the products provided by Tellus. To make it easier for customers to reach the information they desire, Tellus has changed the color of the background and the whole design of the website. Increasing the visibility of the website allows the customers to easily access the information they need.
Introduction of the satellite data business
To give a deeper understanding of how exactly the satellite data business works, Tellus has created a list of actual cases that utilize satellite data and the companies that use them in their business.
Introduction of the satellite data business is available here.
How to Use / FAQ

One ofe the main feedbacks received was to make Tellus more user friendly for beginners. Respecting their needs, Tellus has prepared a page that introduces some tips on using Tellus, including how to use Tellus OS and the developing environment and how to choose satellite data.
Tellus OS
Tellus OS is an environment where customers who want to easily have a look at the satellite data or who are looking for them to use in their developing environment can browse and manipulate the data.
Click here to log in to Tellus OS
Enhanced search filters by location and time

The data search method has been completely changed to answer the request to make it easier to know how much data there is on a specific area Decide the location for the search and select the kind of data, and all the data available in the specified location will be shown at a time. Moreover, a timescale is added so that you can grasp the amount of data at each time point. These changes help users explore the data more easily.
Aggregation of data in My Library
Data, which used to be in split up in different parts of the website, has now been gathered in “My Library.” From now, not only the data officially published by Tellus but also data compatible with the Tellus OS purchased on the Market are stored in My library, which allows you to manage them in one list.
Redesign of UI
In addition, Tellus implemented a fundamental review of the UI, including the data export, graphic creation, and import, and redesigned each according to the assumed usage scenes, providing customers with more intuitive operability.
Add-in linkage
In “My Tools,” you can purchase add-ins sold in the Market to add more functions besides those prepared by default in Tellus OS. Try using the add-in that makes data easier to see and customize the operational environment to suit your own needs.
The "Tellus Market" for trading data and algorithms has been opened.
The Tellus Market is a service open to general corporations and individuals to securely access various tools offered by the providers (analytical algorithms, data obtainable by satellite/above the ground, and applications created by using the data or algorithms on Tellus).

Customers can search, check, and purchase various tools with the user interface similar to e-commerce websites that they shop on in daily life.
Tools purchased at the Market can be used in the Tellus developing environment and Tellus operational environment (Tellus OS).

Corporations or individuals who own data (providers) can sell them to the Tellus customers in API format through Tellus Market.
Moreover, providers can also sell algorithms based on the data officially installed on Tellus or sold in Tellus Market.
Advantage of opening a store on Tellus Market (1): Expansion of sales
Tellus Market can be one of the sales channels for corporations who have not sold for individuals, or for individuals who do not have a distribution route.
Advantage of opening a store on Tellus Market (2): Provision of payment functions
Since Tellus Market has payment functions, providers do not have to handle any complicated operations for purchase.
To open a store on Tellus Market, you need to register as a provider in addition to creating a Tellus account. Tellus is waiting for your application!
How will this Market be in the future?
As of February 2020, tools offered by the two providers are available on Tellus Market for free. Tellus has teamed up with various corporations to develop new tools to be released in the future. Don’t miss it!
Currently, tradable items are limited to free tools, but paid tools will be available sometime early next fiscal year (development of paid tools is possible at this time). More tools will be available after the release of paid tools. These are also not to be missed!
As the numbers of tools increase, there will be more combinations and analyses of data available on Tellus. This will bring new algorithms and applications in Tellus Market.
For this year, we received a lot of feedback from customers at events and other opportunities. Although small improvements in function were conducted almost every week, it was difficult to accommodate the requests from many customers which require drastic changes, such as user-friendliness or search functionality.
One year has passed since its first release, and finally, we can announce that Tellus has realized these functions as Ver.2.0.
We hope you try using Tellus and give us more feedback to further improve Tellus together.
[Click here to use Tellus]