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List : 地球観測


Structural Classifications Using SAR Polarimetry (Polarimetric Decomposition)

In today's article, we will be testing out whether or not you can use polarimetric decomposition to differentiate between natural and man-made objects.


Do Smaller Antenna Really Correlate With Higher Resolution? Thorough Examination of One of SAR’s Mysteries Without Using any Formulas!

This time, we are speaking with a broad group of people who are interested in SAR images, including an engineer who processes them, to a business developer, obsessed with the SAR industry, to learn what determines the resolution of SAR images from top to bottom.

Machine Learning

Get super-resolution for satellite images using SRCNN [with code]

In this article, we will try to get super-resolution images of actual satellite data using Tellus.

Machine Learning

Super-Resolution Processing of Satellite Images Using Sharp’s Deep Learning Model

Super-resolution is a technique to artificially raise the resolution of an image. Super-resolution is one of the hot topics in the field of machine learning, but what happens when you combine it with satellite imagery? We went to the Sharp Corporation Research and Development HQ, and asked the manager of the 3rd Research Team for Communication & Image Technology Laboratories, Tomohiro Ikai, and researcher, Eiichi Sasaki about the future of this technology.


Tellus Takes on the Challenge of Calculating Land Coverage Using L2.1 Processing Data from PALSAR-2

Tellus Takes on the Challenge of Calculating Land Coverage Using L2.1 Processing Data from PALSAR-2